So I have a black macbook, and had it for about 3 years now. Earlier this summer I spilt gatorade on it and was super bummed (sentimental). I called apple and they said that there was nothing I could do because of it was my fault (totally understandable), So I had to by a new mac, and I did. Fast forward now to last month, I am thinking "why not fix the black one, sans the screen, and rock a mac mini from it." So I go to apple to see if they can diagnose what i need to fix. They guy looks at it and talks to me for a while, (super nice guy), and he says "heres the deal you have 45 days left on apple care, and have never used it, you paid 200$ for nothing. So we can do a one time liquid damage repair for free with your apple care." meaning apple did a 750$ repair on my black macbook at 0$ to me, and they replaced everything on it:
LCD, HD, Disc Drive, Logic Board, Bluetooth, Speakers, and Keyboard.
All that replaced for free. Aside from that guy at the beginning telling me there was nothing I can do I so i bought a new mac, i thought it was a pretty sick set of events.
the end