1. columbine, 9/11, AZ killing,
2. most of them go suicidal but if they dont, i want them imprisoned if its a small crime. but if they organized 9/11 or something like that, i want them tortured till death
3. believing that it will get some good outcome. such as if the religion they believe in says they will be a great person in the after life, that makes you want to do it, because you have been raised on that. or some people do it to get the government of a country such as USA to become stronger on protection against terrorism. most dont want to do that. but some do.
4. anywhere and everywhere. everyone is a terrorist on a small scale, if you break the law, you just became a terrorist in a very small scale.
5. dark skinned Muslims, racist i know, but thats the day and age that everyone that is Muslim is associated with being a bomber. i have a Muslim friend and everyone who knows him is like "when you going on your suicide bombing mission?"