Replying to Stept Productions...
I first bought Road To Nowhere around the time it came out. I loved the movie and its the ski movie I've probably watched the most since purchasing it. The replay factor is incredible.
So then, I bought the iTunes download of How We Livin', it was pretty decent, enjoyed RTN way better.
Well fast forward to this year, I unfortunately skipped out on pre-ordering Network. As soon as Stept began dropping their Network parts, and I was instantly amazing.
I bought the movie around last week and got it in two days ago. I watched it and literally it's one of the best ski movies I've ever seen, and taking into consideration its an amateur film is even more crazy.
From Martini's early season bangers, to BPaul and Clayton slaying an empty Breck Park, doing crazy shit, all the way to JNorm, Charlie Owens, Warnick, and Cam Riley shutting down every urban feature, the movie never ceased to amaze me.
I can't wait to see this years film. I know Stept has been getting work done and after seeing the daily edits, theres some crazy shit thrown for throwaway. I mean front swap pretzel two on the baseline rail? Fucking crazy to not use that in the film. Who else is fucking stoked for this years movie?
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