With the sale they had last week, I purchased some pants (moss) and a jacket (Blue Steal). I wanted size Large, but ordered the jacket XL because the Larges were sold out. When I purchased it, I talked to one of the guys at Saga who said they might have a couple Larges in the warehouse that people had sent back, which is what I was looking for.
However, they didn't have any Larges, so they sent the XL. I thought it might fit, but it's too big for me. I REALLY WANT TO TRADE FOR ONE IN A SIZE LARGE.
I know this probably won't work out, but it's worth a try. I might also be interested in trading it for other size Large Saga jackets. PM or post in thread, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A BLUE STEAL IN A SIZE LARGE!
I'll also include one of the beanies and facemasks from the two-pack for anyone who decides to trade.
If I get some people who might trade I'll get pictures to prove I have it, but for now I will rely on my feedback and the stock picture.