Sponsors are a great way to generate income for a team. If you can offer to put their name on a shirt, in a program, or announce sponsors at games, then it's pretty easy to get companies to donate money. By offering them publicity/advertising/exposure, then they are more inclined to part with a few bucks as it becomes a two way street, i.e. they get something out of the deal too. Just don't get unreasonable with the prices of these kind of things and you'll have them biting left and right.
This is what my water ski team does. We sell advertising in a small program that is handed out at our shows and use that to help finance gas, equipment, etc. As you can imagine, running a triple rig (3 200 hp motors on a boat), two twin rigs, a single rig, and an inboard 7 days a week gets super expensive, so this helps us offset that cost.