Hi. I was just wonderin if i were to dye my c-bars scratch purple, would the gray graphics still be visible, or does it matter on how long I put em in there? In order to get a nice dye in how long should I put em in there?
And does it matter if I dye my straps with my frame if I want them the same color, or do I have to separate em? If I have to separate em, how long should I dye the straps? If I'm dying riggers how long should I dye them?
Lastly, so I get that the steps are 1. boil the water 2.put the dye in 3.mix it a little 4.dye em 5. wash it with cold water 6. clean up. But when I put my frame in, should the water still be boiling or do i stop heating the pan after I put the dye in?
Thanks bros. +k for helpful answers
P.S: what are fleece foams? My crowbars have like a third layer of foam that feels like fleece. Does this play any role in what I'm trying to do?