If you're planning to take these skis out of the pow, I'd cross off the New Lifes. They get sketchy in crud, very hard to control. The Bent Chetlters, JJs and SFBs all have a lot in common:
-They all are rockered in the tip and tail and have camber underfoot
-They all have early taper
-They all have a low swing weight
-They all are super light
-They all are playful and flexy but still stable enough to stomp cliffs off of (however if that's what you're going for, then the New Lifes would probably be a great choice...they're very stiff and the width, especially in the tip and tail, makes them an awesome platform to land on).
-They all are on my list of skis to get, I'm trying to get a pair of any one of them
-They all are completely impossible to find at this time of the season
So you'd be insanely happy with any of them...but you'll never find them. Insert evil laugh.
You could wait for next year's run; just replace the SFB in that list with the Opus, and get in there in September.