Every person on the planet has a story of their life to tell. I thought it would be cool to find out a little about the people on here, and just to tell something about themselves. Perhaps this is a dumb idea, but it might be interesting. (Also, I am not sure if this has been done before.
I'll start:
I'm Ben, I live near Syracuse, NY. My friends rule and I love hanging out with them. I have been playing guitar for about 3 years now, and music is my thing. I've traveled to a lot of places, mostly in the US, some in Canada (not much out of the country). I tend to dislike politics and government and the news. Nature is cool and I like to jus hang out and enjoy myself no matter how simple the activity is. I usually go with my own ideas, and don't give a shit about what other people think about me (there are some exceptions). I like to be myself, and I have been on a long journey of rough shit to find out who I am, but it's been worth it. So here I am, 15 years old and content.
--- I also love to ski.
'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..'