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Uh, 1080enemy... who decides the story of Star Wars? You or George Lucas? Did the movies ever say that Boba wasn't a clone? Did the movies say that he had Slave I built especially for him? No, that was the books- but George Lucas made Star Wars and he decides what the story is.
As for me, I just got back from seeing it for the third time, and for me it just gets better. Schwags, how can you say that there were no quotable lines? The entire movie was hinting about things to come. One of the best thing about the original Star Wars is that it was witty, and Lucas brought it back with this one. And hell, if you go back and watch the originals, the puns are all pretty corny anyway, and the animation sucks. So now it's better, and we complain.
As for saying there is no complexity, that's pretty much bullshit. It's taken me three showings to finally start putting together all about how Dooku and Palpatine are working together playing both sides so that Palpatine comes into power.
And what do you mean that it was C-3PO and r2's first time on Tatooine? Hell, 3PO was built there... and of course R2 came along with Anakin and Padme. And as for him not remembering Tatooine in A New Hope, well hell, we're missing a piece of the puzzle here. His memory probably gets erased in Episode III or something. Besides, he got his head knocked off, there's got to be some memory loss from that. :)
And Jar-Jar's fate was well-deserved, much better than death- he practically destroyed the Republic by himself! That's the best ending for Jar-Jar that we could have.
And the kids with lightsabers were in training... I'll betcha they were just training lightsabers. And all Luke had to do to get a lightsaber was have Obi-wan give him his father's old one. And remember how they kept on saying that Luke was too old for the training? See, all those little kids were ahead of him- they start young.
Man, I need a life.
Emily Bennett is a Lizard King-loving Sex Goddess!
'Have you been borne yet & are you alive?
Let's reinvent the gods, all the myths of the ages.'
- Jim Morrison, 'An American Prayer'