so tonight was the night of a little party, 15-20ish people, my girlfriend included. Unfortunatly I had tl drive down to Oregon for my grandmas birthday (from seattle). Idk why but for some reason tonight has been totally awful just thinking about her at a party having loads of fun. Call me selfish or whatever you may, I just need to vent. Were as close as you can get to sole mates, and neither of js would EVER cheat, yet as I was going to bed I was talking to my dad. Untold him she had gone and was having a great time. He didn't know I was in the slightest upset, and I wasn't too bad off, until he made one of the most heart wrenching comments ever. Oh ya she has a new boyfriend now, and he's hung like a donkey... Pat on the back, love ya Blake, see ya in the morning. What a guy. Fuck that just made me scared shitless, even if I know it will never be true. Were in love, but what if she gets so far gone something happens? I'm texting her and I don't want her to not have fun but still I'm awake crying like a little bitch from a combination of missing her so damn bad, being oissed at myself for hating that she's having a good tome, and general stupid 17 year old hormoney shit I guess. I generally consider myself very emotionally mature, the fact that this girl rips me apart proves how strong my feelings are but still, this night sucks big ol' cock.
Sorry if you read this, I'm sure it was a waste of time, but anything to cheer a bro up helps I guess. Tell a story or something, and to anyone who's ever felt like this, tell me it only happens once right?
Oh ya and sorry for any illegibity or hard to read seneteces I just kinda let the words flow through my fingers and I know NS can't stand bad grammar but whatever I'm not gonna change anything from how it was. Peace