....and it happens to be 5 minutes away from my house. It's pretty cool to see this, cuz i always thought this house didnt get enough credit for the amazing architecture. I know a lot of people associated with this house as well. I was able to go inside and look around before it was furnished and still being completed and it is crazy. The view is ridiculous.
My friends dad was one of the main builders and was a key part in designing it. Ive always thought about putting a minipipe on the flat roof or some jibs in the winter on that downward slant on the roof. Its funny too because another one of my friends lives directly below the house in just ur average two story house and owns the cows it talks about in the article ahha.
heres the article http://realestate.yahoo.com/promo/living-room-ready-for-liftoff.html
cool story hansel