So i went on a trip to Hawaii with my friends, and stayed out all night every night and stuff. When I got home, because of the time difference, I was unable to go to sleep until almost dawn, no matter how I try. I am seriously still unable even to sleep during the night, which I've now learned really is a better time to do so. I find myself waking up at like 2:00 in the afternoon, and I can't get much done. This makes a major dent in the available time for running and advertising for my business, so it's a major problem for me. I've tried sleeping pills, and they have little affect. The only other sleeping strategy I know is to lay in bed with my eyes closed, and you guessed it, no luck. Does anyone share my pain? P.S. If you think I'm making this up, look at the time at which I posted this. It is now past 2:30 am. I hate myself right now.
You think you're too cool for school, well I got a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite, aren't
I'm talking about a place where the beer flows like wine, a place where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano . . . I'm talking about a place called ASSSSPEN. I don't know Lloyd, the french are assholes.