Mount Snow Carinthia House March, roommates needed
I got a 7 bedroom house with a garage located about 300 ft from the Carinthia Lift at Mount Snow
The house has a Sauna and I am bringing up a hot tub.
Its a huge, really nice house really close to the lift.
I need to fill some rooms up for the whole month. The cost is $600 for your room for the whole month of March. You have 5 bedrooms to chose from.
You can invite whoever you want to the house, when ever you want. Come and go as you please.
You can split the room with a friend 300$-300$ each for the month. Some of the bedrooms have bunks.
$600 seems like a lot to some of you, but this is a monster house, right next to the lift so it was $4700 for the month.
For those of you who do not know. Carthinia is the best park riding on the East Coast and is also the only mountain to host both The X Games and Dew Tour. And blah blah blah, if your reading this you already know about Carinthia. Enough said
Message me if you are interested.