Sorry for all the bad pics, dont have a cam right now. All prices are for usd and shipped.
2009 Lange Banshee Boots size 27.5 317mm Bsl. - 140$ OBO shipped
These have been used a season, a little scuffed but still good condition. Not worn down on soles.
These are some size Large sessions pants. 20k waterproofing 12,000g breathability
Condition is 9/10 - 50$ obo shipped.
this is the real color though, its like a crosshatch grey.
Some FKx Rossi bindings comp 120. This is the version before the Fks. They have a lot of wear where you click out with your ski pole but other than that are in good shape. 50$ shipped OBO
i got these and never ended up mounting them, I took the risers off so you will need to grind down the screws before you mount or just use some different hardware.
make offers I just wanna get rid of all this.