Alright, not to make any st ereotypes here, but basically every single band that driects their music to skaters sucks. Seriously, what happened to real music. Emo Sucks. Ska Sucks. I mean seriously, look at these bands. They come out with one or two cds, think they are the shit, then in a couple of years get pushed under the couch. What happened to bands making an impact on the music industry for 7, 8, 9 years? I even give hip-hop and rap more credit than this newage shit. At least they follow up to their cd's. Next is lyrics and vocals. Seriously, these new bands coming out today ie. taking back sunday, the vines, white stripes, and the like all suck. They sound like pre-pubescent lil'' bastards just out to make a buck or look cool. We need to bring back the real shit, guitar solos, real lyrics, and more than a couple cds.