In my humble eyes you won x-games by a huge margin.
Unless it was said in the riders meeting that the cannon box would score way more then the jump right next to it there is no way that th bronze medal run wouldnt be the winning run in the event. ( thats an opinion...)
It seems to me that no matter how i look at it andreas run was better then any other. he had both ways spins and doubles stomped clean with better grabs. Thats why I think he won. Andreas had a better top 2 features then sammy without any hesitaiton (for me ) and then Sammy did spin a lot more on the rainbow. Then again a 450 on 630 off is something that dosent take more skills then a misty 540 off the same rail. In facts, both of these tricks at this level of skiing are pretty standard. If you can spin straight onto a rail, you can spin a lot out of the rail by tucking in and a misty flip out is kinda regular for the best of them.
Anyway it 's just ridiculus where competitive slopsestyle is now and I wonder if there is anyway to be able to judge which run is better then another.
The technicality of all these tricks is known by only a few riders ( most of them are competing in the event) and there is no way to know the difficulty of doing one or the other in a particular course.
I believe competitive skiing arrived to a level where I dont think it can be judged and I'm happy about it. All the top dogs are skiing at a crazy level and they will push it even further in the years to come. the only things that saddens me is that the judging is getting obsolete because there are too many things to take under concideration in a slopestyle or pipe comp.
O yea, to make sure I end this thread on a positive vibe, I'm uber stoked for sammy because he totally deserve the recognition for all he did with his skiing. He's mad skilled and I think that was his best slopestyle run ever. I just think andreas'S was a tad better.