First off, anyone know how reliable this website is?
Second, I'm planning on doing an exchange next year. I'm a big fan of third world countries, the only problem is that I have to attend a partner university, meaning I have to be comfortable studying in their language. That limits me to universities that teach in French or English and MAYBE Spanish. The other catch is that I have to take classes that count towards my degree. So I've narrowed it down to two options (for now).
Option 1: Grenoble in France, as an east coast boy who wants nothing to do with park skiing I would love to spend a winter in the Alps. I wouldn't mind going to Aix en Provence either or Lausanne. I would be here for a full year.
Option 2: Go to OZ (Melbourne or Perth) next fall for the semester. Then take a break from school and rip south east Asia during the winter/spring.
So which would be least expensive? Any other comments or advice is welcome as well. Thanks in advance.