Replying to Hide Thread Button
I was just thinking the other day that there are a lot of threads that are read once or automatically known from the title:
A. Don't apply to to me in anyway
B. Are a super-repost
C. Simply won't stop getting bumped
Could a "Hide Thread Button" which takes it off the main list of threads in the respective section your viewing speed up or ease your use? Then you also don't have to always open a thread, post "REPOST ZOMG!!!!" or just in general hate on someone for making something stupid, you can just click "Hide Thread". These hidden threads could then go to a bank of your "Hidden Threads" (just like My Threads, but the ones you don't wanna constantly see). I feel like this would make everything a bit more pleasant.
I hope i explained this right haha
I have no idea if it's possible or would take an insane amount of work. Just a thought.
Thanks! The Dude abides.
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