thall 2nd 7 hits - sw 7 on last hit.. huge difference in speed from bertoni
bertoni 1st 6 hits - whips around huge 12 on last hit
they both throw aeiral 12's
both throw dub side flips
k.rolland comes out of nowhere and throws 3 dubs out of 5 hits
2011 challenge.
Xavier Bertoni, Justin Dorey, Simon Dumont, AJ Kemppainen, Peter Olenick, Tucker Perkins, Mike Riddle, Kevin Rolland, Taylor Seaton, Byron Wells, Jossi Wells, David Wise, Walter Wood, Torin Yater-Wallace
take 7 hits
Elias Ambuhl, Bobby Brown, Sammy Carlson, Phil Casabon, Ian Cosco, Alexis Godbout, Henrik Harlaut, Russ Henshaw, JF Houle, Andreas Hatveit, Gus Kenworthy, Alex Schlopy,Jossi Wells
no more than one mute on the jumps, unless there's more than four kickers
funny ass vid - sammmy sends this fucking huge!!!!!!!
.................last hit