So today I went to one of my local ski hills which was Edelweiss with one of my friends. This would be my 10th time skiing in my life and I could already do 360's but today I felt like trying something new so I thought what the hell, I will ATTEMPT a 540 thinking there is no way in hell I will land this. As I go off the lip of the jump I throw my arms as hard as I could and I spot my landing at around 450 and I start thinking to myself Holy sh*t im going to land this, then the last 90 I came around and landed a perfect 540. It was on my first attempt too :). At the time I was super stoked because I have only skiied 10 times in my life and a 540 was huge to me. I just thought I would let you guys on NS that. In fact I am still super stoked about.