This was fucked up. Nuckles, Tails, and I were standing in between the 2nd and 3rd jumps, and watched him come over the knuckle of the third jump perfectly, and do an exemplary dub 12 on the last jump. we waited 5 minutes, wondering what the hell was going on, and why they werent sending more skiers, before we saw Schlopy come through again. I had no clue what was up until my friend came up from the bottom and informed us.
more rage, you dont guys dont really have to read this, its mostly just for me to vent:
Killington was a dubfest for both pipe and slope. Taylor Seaton and Banks Gilberti laid down some of the best looking, most fun-to-watch pipe runs I have ever seen, without a single double. I was blown away by the amount of style that they put into their runs and the grabs they were doing (Banks had the most tweaked out mute I had ever seen, and both of them were doing consistent, solidly grabbed blunts IN THE PIPE). However, their runs scored lower than Simon's run that included two doubles in which his ski came off.
Their scores were RAPED.
Every single hit on the last jump of the slopestyle was either a dub 10 or dub 12, other than Henriks dub 9. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I am getting sick of the whole double craze; I'm even sick of rightside doubles. Henrik put down one of the best runs: blunt cork 9, and dub 9 safety, with loads of style, and a disaster to tailpress on the DFD, and got an 80, which put him in 6th. tricks other than double corks need to start getting some recognition; I'm sick of watching 10 runs that are all the same tricks, done the same way, by different people, and then 1 or 2 runs that actually stand out and have their own style and individuality to them, and have those skiers place just before the people that crashed, washed out, or bobbled in some way.
Schlopy got fucked
I hate double corks.