i woudnt usually give this sort of advice but i think i can help. a friend of mine teaches this stuff and gets paid thousands for it.
establishing contact is the easy part. its keeping her interested thats difficult. you can't expect a few texts to go back and forward then magically end up in bed with her. you need to go out for dinner or for some drinks. once you're there you need to make her interested in you. i mean genuinely interested. there aren't any shortcuts to this but making her question your intentions. "i really like your hair, is that your natural colour?" first you're giving her a compliment, which all girls love. but then straight away you're pulling it back. she won't hate you for that, but it will keep her chatting.
apart from that just ask questions. you don't need to delve into the smallest details of her sister's ex boyfriends mother or anything like that, but don't get caught up talking about your own life. if you do find yourself giving a long and detailed explanation of yourself, stop yourself and say something like "but what about you, what is your (insert topic from previous few sentences here)".
you also need to be confident, but not so confident that you appear to be a douche. women dont necessarily like the loudest guy in the room who tells jokes all day long. they want a guy who's comfortable with himself. so be honest about what you're good at. no need to hide it, but there's also no need to be arrogant. "yeah, im alright at skiing. i spend a lot of time on the mountain but im not awesome...but what about you? when was the last time you went to the snow?"
you need to be confident with your body language too. dont sit there with your hands together. if you're standing you're probably looking for something to do with your hands. on your hips is a good spot. makes you look big and manly and it means you won't be fidgeting. if you're holding a drink then hold it at your waist, not in front of your chest. thats where women hold their children. men hold tools at their waist. do the same with your drinks. oh there's a great thing you can do with drinks too. when you order them at the bar and the bartender asks for the money you look at her as if you say "are you gonna get that?" when she reaches for her purse tell her you were just joking and pull a $50 out of your pocket. but make sure you smile, and dont lead her on for too long. itll work because its not something she was expecting. if shes good looking and 24 years old she's used to guys buying drinks for her. you should do that too, but don't wait on her hand and foot.
there's no need to get her drunk either. you can ever be open with her about that..."i don't need to be smashed to talk to a girl like you". that does a few things. it tells her that you dont want to get drunk. it also tells her you dont need to be drunk to have a good time. third, and perhaps most importantly, she'll immediately wonder what "a girl like you" means. she'll ask you "what sort of girl am i??" the best response is the most simple one. smile, and say "i dont know, i haven't decided yet". i could explain that but i think you're already getting the drift. its all pretty simple....make her want you by being confident, mature and interested in her and you'll get sex.
let us know how it goes.