You need a Glen Park Pass to hit the bag unfortunately.
The Air Bag operation costs $50,000+ every season and over $100,000 to start.. so although we hate charging we wouldn't be able to come if we didn't. We run the bag cause we love progression and the sport, at the end of the season we are lucky to break even but it's something we all enjoy as our entire staff are park riders or pro athletes. MSLM is charging over $40 per day to hit their bag, so we think that we are being really fair considering our costs are higher as we are constantly moving around.
When we do the tour, areas get the option wether the guests pay or the area does. This season Glen invited us to come setup to see if the park crowd would like it, if they get a good response the head of their Parks has already mentioned some free time on it next season.
so come out and give some support! All of the proceeds from the bag go directly back into the progression of the sport and the development of the MSF (