Things I would like advice on:
-Color, the footage lost some quality exporting but critiques on this would still be nice.
-Vignette, is it too strong?
-Transitions. I like to play with using the camera itself to create smoother transitions between shots. What are some things I could do better?
-Timing, did it feel too slow/fast? How were the cuts? Did it get boring?
Things I wouldn't like advice on:
-Skiing. I get it, I'm bad at it, this is about the edit itself.
Sunny Days at Sugarbush from Max Erickson on Vimeo.
I'm in the blue saga, my friend's in the orange LDC. That means focus on the shots of him because those are the ones I took, therefore the ones I would like critiqued.
One more side note. We didn't use any form of stabilization, so I know it's shaky. I've constructed a device for next time though so don't worry about that.