A few days ago we got dumped on here in the western part of Norway (somewhere around 2 feet of fresh pow). My local ski-resort is usually closed on weekdays, but due to the massive snowfall they decided to open the lift yesterday. I couldn't resist go skiing, so I had to skip school..
Guess who I met in the lift-ticket-house-thingy...My fucking teacher. She wasn't teaching any classes until 1.15 pm, so she took the opportunity to go skiing. Skipping school one day isn't that bad though. But the real problem is that I've told her that I can't attend to some shitty dancing-class we have had at my school for a few weeks now, because my back is hurt. And I've basically told her that a can't ski and shit also, so she would believe that my back really is hurt:p
So i guess I got busted hard lol.
But it was totally worth it though, faceshots all day long :D
Screenshot from the day (gopro):
Just tought it was pretty funny.
Inb4 cool story bro