I'm going to just say... Using FCP and a Mac is loads easier. This is coming from someone who has done loads of editing on a PC and a Mac. I do all my videos on Mac's when I have access to them... But sometimes all I have is my laptop.
Here is my workflow for my laptop. I'll also assume the camera is a GoPro just because so many people use those.
1. Drag files onto hard drive. Organize.
2. Import desired files into Mpeg Streamclip.
3. Set In's and Out's to avoid long rendering times. Render to Quicktime Pro [if you are on a mac use Prores 422, on a windows using vegas, h264 should work fine]. 100 percent quality.
4[optional] if using special effects now import into after effects or other alternative software.
5. Import to Sony Vegas. Start a new project using these settings:
6. Color Correct.
Try to use the same settings as what your camera shoots in. So for the Go Pro use
Dimensions: 1280 X 720
Field Order: None [progressive]
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1
Frame Rate 60 : [depending on what mode you shot in]
Full Resolution Rendering: Best
Blur Type : Gaussian Asymmetric
Deinterlace Method: Blend Fields
When you render use these settings as a new "template" so you don't have to do this all again.
Mode: Quality VBR
Demensions : Same size as your footage and project settings, so 1280 X 720
Frame Rate: Same as your footage and project settings, so 60 fps
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1
Video Rendering Quality: Best
7. Render
Again I think the best method is to use the Apple Pro Res codec in this example but the method and settings explained above can still provide nice looking video.
This is an example of using these settings but actually in this one I didn't use the quality vbr and my rendering quality was only set to "good" so it's a bit below what it could possibly look like. But that's why this video is set to "private :D"