So. I just the boot for the rest of the season by the owner at my local resort. I will tell you the story and my situation as a whole.
So last sunday after filming another "!WOH" edit, I went outside of the lodge and saw my buddy with his pants around his ankles. I then wen't on by saying "Hey hide your fuckin boner, did you just get a blowjob from your girlfriend or did you just take it up the ass" ha. Then I pulled my pants and said, "look my skin is whiter" I turn around the the livid owner of Dodge with a not-so-happy grin on her face. She went on by telling Sam(one of the General Managers) to pull my pass. I then gave it to him politely. he recomended i call back in a week to see the status. I hear rumors that my oppurtunity to come back is bad.
any recomondations?