Title says it all i am looking to either trade or sell my 2009 Surface LIve Life Ones. They are currently mounted for a 28.0 spk pro. Binders are the black and gold rossi 185's. binders:6/10 Skis:8/10 (debatable i took the lower side on both)
If interested in trading: I'm looking for a smaller more all mountain type ski. possibly a fujas or obsethed. 179's. Surprise me with what ya got im open to anything so dont hesitate to ask!!
If Interested in buying: Make an offer! im super flexible shoot me your lowballs all i'll say is get the fuck outta here.
Last but not least the bad news. i live down at copper mountain in colorado. the only real computer i can use is this shitty public one in the employee housing building. its an epic fail for the pics. i have a few pics in my hotmail or on my phone. hit me up on either for pics.