You know your a noob when you sit on the sides of the jumps and watch your friends hit it.
You know your a noob when your excuse for not hitting something is "i have to check it out."
You know your a noob when you wear a backpack on your back.
you know your a noob when you find cut-outs on the side of a jump and land on the landing.
you know your a noob when most of your day is spent i the lodge.
you know your a noob when you go off a jump and ride down the back of the jump.
you know your a noob when you wear your headphones on the outside of your helmet.
you know your a noob when the shirt under your jacket is bigger than your jacket.
you know your a noob when your daily outerwear is a sweat shirt with a tall tee.
you know your a noob when you say "bro" in every sentence.
you know your a noob when you keep your phone out on the whole lift to wait for a text.
you know your a noob when your scared to ride the single line.
you know your a noob when you tell someone to hit something and you make them hit it first.
you know your a noob when you say holy shit! every time someone fall.
you know your a noob when you go to the shop to buy stickers.