1) What is your budget? 500-1100 bucks
2) What experience do you already have with cameras? I've been extensively using a sony alpha a200 DSLR for about 2 years
2) What gear, if any, do you currently have? (tripod, old camera lenses, mics, etc) Sony a200 various lenses, lgithing tripods
4) What are you planning to shoot and how do you want to use your camera? I want something with a bad ass motor drive so I can shoot skiing but I need something that I can use during the non sow months as well
5) Do you want a camera that you can hand to your friends, that could or could not have film experience, and let them shoot you? or will you be doing all the filming? I'm not gonna be filming but no they don't get to tocuh it
6) When filming skiing, how do you tend to shoot? (follow cams, leave it on record on a tripod and hike, film from a tripod, etc) ....
7) What computer do you currently have/use to edit (if not currently editing, what would you most likely use)? If you can provide specifics, such as hard drive space, RAM, processor size, that would be great. I have some shitty generic computer can handle photoshop looking to upgrade sooner or later
7) What program do you currently edit on? How familiar are you with it (1- just learning; 10- I can make tutorials and know the keyboard layout) Photoshop Cs5 I'm a bout 7 on skill level