Yeah the turner thorne and zack yourde edits are mindblowers. The USA members all have really strong edits. World class. The next edit I come out with will definetely be a team entry.
That Wenatchee Kendama is good too, I don't understand the inward lunar tricks, I've never really gone in that direction. those double frontflip lunars look fucked up though, really really hard. And ninetails: It's addicting because it never stops being fun, it never gets harder because you improve constantly, never stop improving, and you can do it anywhere. I get most practice in school. Playing in between classes and during a free period and usually a bit at lunch translates to at least 2 hours of practice a day. If you keep it up you will inevitably get good.
Also a friend of mine plays just as much so we shred kendama together and mush each other. This is his last edit: