Hey all!
My name is Cory. I own Cobra Dogs, we are a hotdog stand that started at Mt. Hood (summers, Government Camp) 6 years ago and currently just opened our first "franchise" at Park City resort right at the bottom of the park. Jeremy Cooper, who is in charge of all things park, made this happen and so far it has been just unreal. That guy is awesome. If you know him, you already know that. If you have never met him and you see him, give him a high 5. The dude is all time and works his ass off making the sickerst park ever.
I wanted to come on here to thank all the skiers that have been coming by and having dog and being REALLY FUCKING COOL TO US. At Mt. Hood, we are around mostly snowboard campers from High Cascade Snowboard Camp and not many skiers. We were wondering how this would take with the ski crowd at Park City as I was well aware they have a huge ski presence. Just going to say it right now.... I know nothing about your scene what so ever (I know who Glen Plake is!) I was 100% freaked out at how it would take with all of you. The entire point I came on here and typed this was to say THANK YOU. You guys have been so rad and supportive it's crazy. Even if you didn't buy a dog you came by, said hello, and checked it out. Not to mention how many of you are rocking the Cobra Dogs stickers on your skies. SO SICK! Seriously, thanks you thank you thank you. If you now me, you know that I do anything and everything to not promote the brand but to promote kindness, zero hate, and love. That sounds cheesy as hell but it's true. I try to do everything with a smile and take it all in while I can and Cobra Dogs is a perfect vehicle for that. And I love food. So yeah, from the bottom of my cheddaconda (whoa, awkward) thanks for being rad and supporting the cause. You guys impressed the hell out of us with how many of you came and got a dog as well as how nice and inviting you were. Cheers. So come say hi and let's do some laps in the park!
Cory Grove
I was also stoked when I came on here to type this that there was already a thread about us being here at PC. Some of you mentioned prices. To make a really long story short(er), it's just business 101. Our prices are a little cheaper in the summer and a little more at PC. We use only very high quality dogs from Portland. All of our dogs are 1/4 pound and hand made. I buy them directly from the family that makes them and our vegi dogs are also made in Oregon. We have it in the contract with PC that we must always use those dogs and nothing less. IT'S EXPENSIVE. Straight up. Tag on all your permits, insurance, labor, utilities, shipping, oh god. I could go forever. Bottom line is if you get one, awesome, if not, no sweat. We understand. I'm still poor. Even so, if you don't have any haters, you are doing something wrong!