Replying to C.R.'s Smith Ads
Just wanted to note seeing the newest Smith C.R. Johnson ad just gave me butterflies and watery eyes - in a very GOOD way!
Seeing his 720 w/ that grab (you'll know it when you see it) as only C.R. did was freakin' awesome! It's the C.R. I remember from before his injury. It's reminiscent of the first time I covered C.R. It was at Icer Air in 05' for Powder's new website. The photos I came back w/ had a lot of that grab.
Knowing he worked his way back to being the absolutely incredible skier he was just makes his life story all that much more bittersweet.
After doing a little posting in the "oldest park rat" thread I'm reminded we're fortunate we only have age to defy. C.R. did that and SO much more.
Miss ya buddy. Thanks again for the inspiration.
P.S. - where can we get more of his latest footage?
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