I figure that saving this thread for useful debate might serve as a practical model for half the Nser's who use interwebz meme's, serchbarrrrrr, or "F#*% you" in every argument to prove their stance...
- for anyone wishing to engage in a slightly intellectual discussion, you must remember that there is ample evidence which might be able to support 9/11 as an inside job OR an act of foreign terrorism, but while many pieces of evidence and factual testimonies exist, many key pieces and questionable resolutions for why or how 9/11 are absent or censored, which effectively lends a balanced ambiguity to the argument....
That being said, I debated this topic a few years ago, and while I was impartial to facts showing (NOT proving) how or why 9/11 could have occurred, I was astonished to find a lot of research was done and conclusively showed that
- millions and even billions of dollars worth of transactions took place within the WTC buildings between the times that the first and second planes hit, which looks awfully suspicious for a building which needed immediate evacuation and was collapsing... and I would only imagine that for transactions of that magnitude to occur within such a short period of time AND to have no real trace of them..is only capable with some serious orchestration
- multiple top military officials had flights scheduled on 9/11 and on the days immediately following. These were said to be leisurely vacations with their families... however, only two or three days prior, EVERY SINGLE ONE of them cancelled their flights and neglected to reschedule, never offering a reason for these sudden cancellations...
- also, if the government was simply not capable of harming its own U.S. citizens and had their best interests in mind, why in the flying FUCK did the republican party block the recent legislation which would have spent several billion dollars in subsidizing any medical treatments firemen, police officers, and other public officials recieved in the aftermath of working on Ground Zero..... it's simply illogical!! and don't tell me its because we are trying to cut "big government spending" because days before Republicans slid into the house they refused to vote on the tax cuts unless they were extended for those making $250,000 or more, they got their way, and tacked on roughly 800 BILLION dollars in debt...
- to those of you who STILL simply cannot believe the government would do something this crazy, or put this many people at risk (at least for a profit), check out how we have whored out millions of acres of land to.......private oil and gas companies like Halliburton!! Wondering the connection? Cheney = ex CEO of Halliburton before he became Vice president... one month in, a new energy bill is signed. In it, a SINGLE paragraph clause exempting all these companies from abiding by any and all environmental regulation bills passed since Nixon was in office.... now there are thousands of documented cases of people and animals with cancer, nervous system failures, asthma, and a million other things, all from people who have seen the advancement of Hydraulic fracturing (method used to extract gas) right above their groundwater supplies.... see the documentary Gasland... then check back and try to argue, or google it..
P.S. for the argument that Bush wanted to present himself as a calm and great leader by finishing a childrens book......WTF!!! If I were the president, the potentially most powerful and responsible job in one of the most powerful countries in the world, and I heard we couldn't scramble our jets to take down several fuckin planes, I would flip a bitch, and sure as hell wouldn't finish some children's book.... If you were reading a book to a couple of kids and somebody came in and told you your mother had been shot in the head.... would you nonchalantly finish the story?? I believe the answer would be a resounding no...
the evidence missing to claim this was foreign terrorism is too important! And the suspicious responses and activities prior to, during, and after the attacks (especially in the commision report) are to great in number to ignore. Respond with logical statements and facts, but if you complain about this thread and its not immature or crude enough for you... I am pretty sure that poor, stupid Hercules kid is being butt-raped, so you can check that thread out instead... peace