Saw one of these stickers on the way down BCC today. If you believe any shred of this bullshit, you are both an ignorant, disrespectful pile of shit and a borderline retarded dumbass.
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Saw one of these stickers on the way down BCC today. If you believe any shred of this bullshit, you are both an ignorant, disrespectful pile of shit and a borderline retarded dumbass.
If they hate it so much why the fuck do you think when they migrate to another country they continue to wear it. Because allah, their god, told them to do so. Its a fucking choice. Its also a sign of modesty, so men dont look at them like objects. Muslims see other muslims who wear burka's and hijabs as dignified women with high self esteem.
The ONLY country i could find with a law where you have to wear a burqa is kuwait. Afghan doesnt even have that law anymore. But even if they did, like i said its a sing of their faith. It s not degrading by any means but actually very respectable of women.
Exactly, CONSIDER, i odnt necesarily think it was an inside job but im not dismissing it. Like i said before i think there are good arguments on both sides.
why because i said some facts about the muslim religion?
Sorry for not wanting to attack a whole religion and clearing up common misconceptions about it.
Or is all the hate because i said the US has a bad education system? Probably that seeing as most of you are americans.
Im not trying to hate on the US i juest learnt that among develpoed countrys the US has one of the worst education systems. Not one to just take one persons word for it i researched myself and sure enough the education system did score fairly low compared to others.
My opinion? All that shit i posted earlier about the muslim religion was not an opinion it was the truth. WHat generalizations did i make and what do you want me to proove. Give me specifics and ill back myself up on them.
Also i wouldnt exactly call myself a racist, id say out of either of us its definetly you who is racist.
Now about the honour killing, congradualtions you finally made a good argument. Its about time.
Yes honour killings are pretty fucked up. Yes they often happen in muslim countries (but also alot in the hindu religion aswell) But again there is nothing in the quaran that permits or allows honour killings. The quaran preaches equality between men and women.
And everyone is saying i over generalize. Of course this is true in some cases but do you really think the average muslim family, especially ones in western cultures, are extremists like that?
Everyone is just assuming that the majority of women do it out of fear. Ever think that the majority do it becausethey want to. Lets just say that there is no more taliban (the main reason for opression of muslin women, not the islam religion itself) and no more threat of consequence if they dont wear hijabs or burqas in muslim countries. Do you really think they would all just stop?
Islam is now the most popular religion in the world. More and more people convert to it everyday. Do you think women would do this if wearing a hijab was forced, perhaps they like what it stands for, Not to mention muslims pray 5 times a day and if they have enough faith to do that im pretty sure wearing the hijab is more part of there religion than it is an obligation.
That being said yes i do realize the social pressure muslim women face to wear garments like those but i still think its more out of faith to their religion than anything.
Look at jews in isreal afterall(especially hasidic and orthodox jews). Their arent any laws or threats of honour killings that force them to wear their religious garments but they still wear them. Things like kippahs, prayer shawl (tallis), finger wraps..i think theyre called tizits or something, and grow long side burns (among other distinct dress)
how in any way shape or form am i a conspiracy nut. Im not arguing anything about an inside job or anything. Your the pathetic one, honestly its like nothing gets through to you. Its fucked.
Lets take a look at what ive been arguing, then lets take into account you just called me a consiracy nut. So in other words facts about the quaran are a conspiracy...? or are you saying that the islamic religion is a conspiracy?
Btw yes i know the IRA has been dorment for 10 years. That doesnt really make it irrelevant. Especially considering that 9-11 (the threads topic) happened just about ten years ago...
Besides i wasnt comparing the IRA to the taliban in any other way other than the fact that we dont single out religion when talking about the IRA. IRA was the first group that came to my mind so thats why i posted them
there you go again comparing shit that cannot be compared.
IRA terrorism was political - never did they ascribe theirmission to Catholicism. Shit, in their earlier days they were attacking Catholics.So we call them what they were and what they were about: political terrorists.They had political motives, and used force and destruction to get their way.
Is it any coincidence there have been Muslim separatists Thailand (I useMuslim separatists because the basis for trying to succeed is based on theirIslamic faith) blowing all kinds of shit up? Or all kinds of shit going on in Indonesia, with the exclamation point being the Jakarta bombing in '03 and on Baliin '02. Or Malaysia? Or just all that shit that has been going on by littlefactions and the big jemaah islamiyah? I'm thinking we cannot make anyassumption based on religion here because of the "facts" youprovided. Wait, what were your facts? You didn't provide shit. Just a bunch ofegotistical, and nonsensical, bullshit.
What about in India? You could prescribe a lot ofthe violence to the dispute over Kashmir, but mostof the big acts were not. Mumbai (twice), Jaipur, Ahmehabad...
Western China has itsinstances of groups using attacks for separation by way of Islamic catalyst. Xinjiangprovince has had its share of shit for about two decades. But I'm sure youlearned that in your vastly superior Canadian education. Or did you read thatone book?
Turkey - Istanbul bombings, fourof them. You have some issues with the Kurds, so there is some ambiguity as towho did them (except the '03 bombings).
Israel -no need to provide an exhaustive list of the shit going down in the Levant. People get caught up in "Palestinian conflict"but the fact remains, they're have been innumerous terrorist attacks. Andessentially all come as an Islamic reprimand against Israel. Shit, they've had nearly1,000 Palestinian bombers alone over the past two decades. That doesn't includethe myriad of others from other groups, or larger attacks of the non-suicidalbomber variety.
Egypt- holy fuck. That has been going on much longer than you or I have been alive.Basically all are some holy fight, attacking Westerners, Western"sympathizers," Western interests, Christians, or just people to geta death toll. Massacre at the Temple of Hatshepsut. '04 bombing at resorts on the Sinai. -'05 bombing in resorty Sharm el-Sheikh. Bombing less than a monthago at a church. Not indicative of anything Islamic.
Lybia - well, you know, those Libyans are all peacefulnowadays unlike back in the day when the game was fierce, so we can't includethem. [img][/img] al-Megrahi not getting a hero's welcome at all.
Madridin 2004. Was it the Basques? They usually claim their shit, so probably not. London in 2005?
Black September was aight. But Islam had nothing to do withtheir motives. Oh wait a second...
The barracks bombing in '83, Tyrebombings in '83 and '84, in Beirutwould suggest... Buddhist militants? Nah. Hezbollah?
Bombings at US Embassies in Kenyaand Tanzaniain 1998. Who was responsible?
The list just seems to go on.
2000 could have seen some "fireworks" in LA ifRessam wasn't caught here in Washington.How about that guy in Times Square earlierthis year with that botched car bomb? That kid in Oregon? Been to Copenhagen recently?
How about the other innumerable foiled plots that could makeany list nearly double? That doesn't mean shit, right? They must just be randomacts by a few radicals. Nothing hints to Islam here. That, or the one world governmentcreated them to scare people.
Thank you, you have out researched me and proved me wrong. I was unaware of this verse and it does change my perespective.
Ill admit im wrong in this aspect but I still stick by what i said about the 70 virgin thing, about what a jihad is and a bit about the women issue.
I still say that the burqas is a big part of religion. YES in many cases, especially in muslim countries, there is extreme social pressure to wear then even though it may not be the law. YES honor killings do occur but regardless its still a big religious symbol. I have reasearched this and read comments by many muslim women saying that they openly choose to wear it because of what it stands for. Last year in my world religion class we had two muslim girls and they both said the same. Lastly ive been to a mosque and talked to a female imam about the subject. So feel free to tell me im wrong again.
This is not to say all women feel the same way, i realise this.
But again, thank you testical paste for actually prooving me wrong. Thankfully not everyone on here is as dumb as skierman.
Lastly i still dont agree with some things people said in this thread. Mainly alexg concerning his comments about essentially irradicating the whole muslim religion. You really think genocide is the answer?
anyways im pretty done with this thread, frankly i dont care that much anymore.
yes thats what i tried to say. sorry im not sure if you were agreeing with me or not. But yea i was trying to say that there is intense social pressure in muslim countries put on women to wear them. Then i was contrasting by saying that here in canada (aswell as other places around the world) many women openly choose to wear them because they signify dignity, high self esteem, and purity in a women.
However the only personal experience i have on this matter is from talking to muslim canadians. Im not sure how they feel in other countries.
One thing is clear though, there are many factors(social, political, family, religious) that contribute to wether or not they wear burqas.
Like mr panda said, his dad has personal experiences from other countries that contrast the ones i have being in canada.
shits wack yo