Alright, so. For the last month or so I've been getting this super sharp pain in my spine right between my shoulder blades. It's not the kind of pain that is in the muscles on the sides... it's like directly ON my spine. It doesn't particularly hurt when anyone presses on my spine, but holy shit does it hurt when I move my upper back around... to the point where it takes my breath away.
I'm curious if anyone has had this type of pain before and what it ended up being? I feel like if it was some sort of small fracture I would have remembered a time when I injured it and I feel like it would hurt a lot more to the touch...
It hasn't gotten any better though and it's driving me insane.
And yes, I've done the whole chiropractor thing in the past and I know all the things it could be... I'm looking more for feedback from people who've actually had a back injury before.