Think RIOT POLICE - It is in essence the true
form and purpose for the POLICING state (Protecting John Smith from the
Bad Guys has its place too) - The DISCONTENT Is what they do to THE
people when they are TOLD to .
They are paid EMPLOYEES...
, who also have Mob Mentality training In order to Enforce Control
(attacking protesters) by their BOSSES> individuals (i.e John
the nice Local Deputy) are innocent (you did choose to become an
enforcer, and I think we all understand you are here to protect as well -
TO SERVE (them) AND PROTECT (?) but Is a police officer serving me the
people, or the ideals of a politically and economically motivated
hierarchy with a very dark and callous agenda??
Cops have to
acknowledge their role. Pretending its all about cruising around the
neighbourhoood looking for granny purse snatchers, is ignorant. The
Police Force has a DARK side. I have been there, lived it. I have been
beaten by a gang of police while waiting for a bus. but its not what
they did to ME, its what they do to innocent people around the world.
Beating people with Clubs is NEANDERTHAL.
Enjoying it and Bloodlusting for Violence is Sadistic.
We have all seen the videos. Good Policemen / Women have to Battle the BAD policemen /women and ACCEPT that IT EXISTS>!
Its not all flowers anymore, They tried that in the 60's IT DIDNT WORK>
Addiction to oil is at an all time high and governments will do Terrible things to get it.
Absolutely Horrific things.
This happens.
And sometimes we get MAD
and we should be .
Why don't the police do something? What about Police Activism?
What if they joined together against causes?
They do funding drives and those nice things in the community and thats great , it is.
but whose watching the money? just a question
anyway, thats my 2 cents.