I got a HD Hero for xmas and was mad stoekd to use it, went out got footy, both in r2 and r3 (720p 30fps /720p 60fps respectively)
I broguht it back in and plugged 'er in and put all my footage onto an external HD. After that i imported into Vegas, made sure the project was the same aspects as the footage, and then tryed to edit, my preview box is VERY VERY (let me emphasize more) VERY laggy.
As a test i jsut blindly rendered a full clip and it played back flawlessly on my computer.
MY computer definately has the power to edit HD as i have been editing from my HV30 for a year now with absolutely no problems.
Im asking here on NS because the answeres ive found on google make no sense to me, ( im a bit new to the whole video editing "language")
MAD +K to anyone who helps me, or atleast trys to.