ive got 2 dogs and 2 cats and i definitely like cats more. both my dogs are cool, better than most dogs, but them along with basically every other dog can be so fucking annoying. its like having an extremely retarded selfish friend, every time someone answers the door they flip shit. you come home and they jump up and lick you and wont get the fuck away. ive trained my dogs really well so they dont do most that annoying dog shit, but they still get pretty annoying.
both my cats are awesome too, one is fucking crazy and one is super relaxed and loving, the crazy one will try to kill anything its size or smaller, tries to climb everything, runs everywhere, explores my houses ventilation system (you will hear cat footsteps in the ceiling and see him looking through the vents) and the other one just comes and chills next to you everywhere you go, and orgasms whenever you touch him.
also, i know a guy who owns a serval, if you want the best possible pet, get one, its still less maintenance than a dog. but its the most entertaining and loving animal ive ever seen. its about the same size as a dog. it leaves you alone if you dont show it attention, but it will cuddle up with you whenever you want and is the coolest animal to play with, its strong enough to knock you down, can jump something like 8 feet, and it kills any rodent that comes in its path, supposidly it destroyed a friends that tried to fight it that was the same size.
i guess you have to get them like right after they are born, and give them a lot of attention for the first year, then after that they are loyal as fuck to you.