All of this gear is in amazing condition. Most of it looks like its never even been worn. If you are a Medium or Large, you are in luck. Almost all the clothing fits baggy/loose. The Oakley and Sessions gear especially have some of the biggest “Mediums” I’ve ever seen. Not interested in trades. Paypal only please.
If you really want to know zipper length, hit me up and ill take a measurement.
Jacket 1:
Black Oakley Loose Fit jacket Size Medium

Pants 1:
Tan Sessions Ridge Series pants size Medium

Pants 2:
Orage Benjamin Pants size Large classic blue

Jacket 2: Planet Earth jacket size medium

Jacket 3: Sessions white with black pattern Ridge series jacket size large

Jacket 4: sessions white, red and black Ridge series jacket size medium Warmth rating 4

Jacket 5:
Another black Oakley Jacket size medium. Also Event fabric. Super tech and in perfect condition.

Pants 3: Sessions white pants size large w. recco

Pants 4: Oakley black pants size medium Event fabric, super tech fit huge. Perfect cuffs

Pants 5: Small planet earth brown pants