Replying to My camera committed suicide :( help!
So I had a point and shoot camera that I traded one of my surfboards for a few years ago, and I used it mostly for taking pictures at parties originally, but then recently have been using it for taking pictures of things that I want to paint or draw. My friends broke it, so now I have no camera, I looked into getting it fixed but it costs like $90. Since I'm a studio art major, soon to be graphic design major, I realize its time to grow up from a point and shoot and get a DSLR. I'd love some help
Not sure how much of this matters...
1) What is your budget? How much money can you spend right away, and do you think you can get more money to invest in the future?
As cheap as possible for a decent DSLR, and I don't really see myself dumping a ton of money into it in the future, just the basics.
2) What experience do you already have with cameras? Have you ever even used one before? Have you helped your friend out with his camera? Have you owned your own?
I only have some experience with manual SLR cameras, and point and shoot cameras, so not a lot.
2) What gear, if any, do you currently have? (tripod, old camera lenses, mics, etc)
4) What are you planning to shoot and how do you want to use your camera? Are you going to use this with the sole purpose of shooting skiing? or do you think you might try other stuff as well (movies, documentaries, short films, etc)
I only want it to shoot things that I want to paint or draw...
7) What computer do you currently have/use to edit (if not currently editing, what would you most likely use)? If you can provide specifics, such as hard drive space, RAM, processor size, that would be great.
13" Macbook pro, soon to have adobe CS5
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