So today while I was setting up my tripod, I screwd the camera to the tripod and the peice that the screw goes into on the camera broke off. I have a sony DCR-SR45 but I dont think that matters much because all of the cameras I have put on tripods had the same size screw. I was wondering if any of you guys know a place online where I could order this part in my camera. Here are picures of the camera. Sorry if they are bad qualitiy, I only had a crappy camera to use.
Bottom of the camera. The top hole is where the peice goes.
Here it is with the plastic peice on the bottom:
Here is the actual peice. As you can see it is broken into 2 peices
Another picture of the peice:
Any help would be very much appreciated. I broke it on the first day of winter break and thats the time that I get alot of filming done. I looked online already but couldn't find anything. +K for help! Thanks!