worked in kitchens for the past 3 years. fucking loved it. ski all day, work for 8 hours, go party a bunch, then do it all over again.
best story i have is from my buddy he works at the montanas in kamloops. he walked into the kitchen and watched this kid spit into the bowl of wing sauce he had for one of the servers. buddy called him out, kid got pissed, then started talking shit about my buddy, so he called him out again about him talking shit and the kid took a swing at him, my buddy ducked then knocked the kid out. next day managers talks to both of them about it, and the kid who spit in the wings got fired. pretty raunchy
just so you know this does not happen at most restaurants. the only time ive fucked with food is when guys order pizzas extra spicy and i just load them the fuck up with hot sauce and peppers.