what more information do you need? Pretty much every 3D camera out there right now creates 2 separate images - left & right..except for like the panasonic attachment that just utilizes the existing sensor to do left & right side by side in the same image. Anyway, GoPro is going to give you a full left & a full right. There's software that merges these left & right into one single file. There's a dropdown that says 'See in Red/Blue' so suddenly you can watch that same file but it's red & blue. There's another thing that says something like 'see on a 3D tv, so it will output the display that a 3D tv needs and you'll see it in 3D on your 3D tv (this is usually left & right side by side and the tv does the processing, or if you have a crazy computer, full 1080 pageflip (not likely). Anyway, the gist is that the camera doesn't determine how you watch it, it's the kind of display you have. The cam will give you what you need to watch it on whatever display method you have.
This is also how YouTube 3D works. You upload a side by side (which can be created in one click with the gopro 3D stuff, and then youtube processes them out and you can choose redblue, greenamber, side by side, mirror for eye crossing, stacked, interlaced, what have you.
Hopefully that clears a few things up! 3D can be confusing if you have no idea what's going on but a few simple concepts can clear a lot up.