There are no Bilboards in the state of Vermont.
When the troopers are watching the video, Ramathorn passes a joint to his right; in the next shot he's still holding it.
In the scene where the guys are drinking with Captain O'Hagan in the station, Thorny's right foot is propped up on the desk. When he stands up, in the very next shot, you can still see his foot propped on the desk (as if he's still sitting). Then in the next shot, he is standing again.
It the shot where Thorny and Rabbit are pulling up to the Winnebego, if you pay attention to the rear view mirror, you see a crew member walk by
...i'm so cool.
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
''doo doo dood doo do da dah dah da, everybody in the house say 'wooooot woooooot', do doo dooo dod doo DAAAAAAh ba ba ba bum bum ba do do do dooo dah dah da, oh yeah, do do do daaa, everybody now, uh, yeah, uh uh yeah, do dah, do do do dooo dah, right on! wikky wikky wack, do do daaa ba dada, mmmmmm yeeeeeeeeah.''