Title says it all heres what i got.
First all prices are just estimates i will be willing to change price. Also i will be accepting tradesThanks.
Items: 1st. Size L line jib hoodie in pretty good condition looking for around $25
2) Size large 4 square jacket is pretty tall and also in good condition worn 2 looking for around 25
3) Size Medium Orage jacket. Its a pretty big medium and its been worn 5 times asking for around $20
4)Size XXL yellow Sorel snow pants w/ custom sag straps(really just shoe laces but they hold them up cause these thing are huge) looking for around $28
5)Size XXL oakley Hoodie pretty good condition got it for around 75 looking for $25
I am 6 feet tall so make sure you keep that in mind.
If i have missed or if there is something you want to see in more detail please let me know and i will try to meet your request thanks !