the number 1 reason to fly on southwest, 2 bags fly free and that includes a ski bag. if you can you should always fly southwest, their fares and checked bags rules make them the cheapest airline to fly. im flying to salt lake tomorrow, taking my skis and all that crap, i pack my gear into my ski bag for added protection (have never been hassled about that), $230 round trip from portland oregon.
getting charged for luggage is absolute bullshit these days, i flew to boston a couple months ago, my tickets cost me like $550 round trip, but i paid almost $150 in checked baggage fees. fuck that shit, airline companies are total dickbags charging for every single possible thing they can. i flew all the way across the country and back and did not get a single meal. almost $700 to sit in a tiny ass seat smashed into a narrow row with 2 other people for 6 hours getting no food.