Replying to Progressing to Big Mountain
I was just watching Focused and relized how much 'jibbers' are skiing big mountain. Last season the hype about 'progressing into big mountain' seemed to have a major influence on alot of park/backcountry oriented skiers this season(movie season).
The point of this thread is that I feel they got kinda got the wrong impression; most of the segments were just quick flashes of lines then some park shots, then a cliff (usually packed down and hiked). Rarely was there any big mountain lines that blew me away, or that incorperated the 'freestyle tricks'. I think its cool that there working on getting there, but I compare watching Tanner Hall skiing down a line to watching Seth Morrison ski in the park; progressive to there skiing ability but not pushing the sport unless there doing freestyle tricks.
Props to everybody pushing Big mtn or whatever there doing, but I was pretty bored watching pollard ski off the side of a cliff I just watched Seth do a backflip over.
Should everybody stick to one disapline? maybe maybe not,but I don't think theres anything wrong with it if you are doing something nobody has ever done doing it.
Keep doing what you love and get incredibly good at it,
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