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Fuck my Friends are being dicks
Posts: 2649
Karma: 2,297
So last week i had a big crash of this lil gap my friends and i made i got whiplased super hard on the landing of the jump and couldnt breath at all i came back this weekend just with the idea to take it easy maybe just do some 360's and stuff but this weekend my frineds are like total ass holes becasue im not hitting the gap we built and not doing 540's and not hitting rails i tell them that i was whiplased last weekend today at school thats why i wasnt skiing at my peak this weekend and they say im lying and it's and excuse today they teased to the point were i was thinking about just fucking them over and just stop skiing with them and get a whole new group of friends not parkeys just some really laid back pow big mountain guys i really do like my friends but just what should i do??
Posts: 726
Karma: 131
ok people gonna hate on this but i dont give a fuck. heres my advice. GROW A FUCKING PAIR AND DEAL WITH IT
Posts: 762
Karma: 187
Posts: 1183
Karma: 1,185
Hahaha I remembered when I cared what people thought about me.
Posts: 207
Karma: 26
smoke a dub and chill the fuck out, no need to be so competative!!!!!!!
Posts: 1376
Karma: 89
ever heard of a period? its something you use to end a sentence
Posts: 3825
Karma: 8,635
take it easy little guy. you will mature as time goes on, and learn about what is really important in life. have fun while you are your age, but strive for a good future. AND HAVE FUN SKIING! that is what the sport is about. the middle school days were strange for sure, and can be very tough at times... its an awkward time for everyone, and you will get through it and be fine like everyone else
Posts: 396
Karma: 43
Posts: 3329
Karma: 351
yo skiing is all for fun, give it a week or two and chill with some new guys, all friends do this at some point, itll all be good, trust me bro
Posts: 242
Karma: 25
Posts: 2075
Karma: 38
Posts: 427
Karma: 144
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