Replying to East coast + NEW LIFES? anyone who's skied them please!
waste of money?
6'3'', 190 lbs. ski mostly park and pow when i can (probably 3 or 4 days a year) and i usually go out west for a week or two (keystone + breck usually) i'd centermount the 194s, and also probably use them every once and a while for dicking around and being that tool kid with pow skis in the park. are they terrifying for park?
so any pow we get is mostly use in the trees. i've got a pair of liberty hazmats that i'm in the process of selling, cause i don't feel they're turn-y enough for tress. i actually prefer my centermounted park skis (walls) our tree-pow needs, cause they're more pivoty feeling, where as the hazmats (mounted an inch back) have too big of a turning radius for tight trees.
according to their site, the new lifes have a 17 meter turning radius, which would, in theory, make them pretty fun for tree skiing. but the other half of me is thinking no 194 ski, even centermounted, would be fun in trees.
the other, probably more logical option, would be to centermount my hazmats. but part of me thinks fuck that, life is too short not to get absurd rockered fat skis.
anybody who's skied them, are they nimble tree skis or are they BC tearing up monsters that'd be useless on the ice coast?
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